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How to Select the Best Hospitality Career? Interview with Mr. Anubhav Bhan

He talks about building successful hospitality career and job opportunities in the hotel industry.
Connecting the Dots with Mr. Anubhav Bhan

If driven by the desire for knowledge and a balanced lifestyle, India can be as rewarding as any global destination.

Today, we find ourselves in the vibrant city of Jodhpur, the azure gem of India, ready to unravel the fascinating journey of an industry stalwart. Our guest, with over 18 years of experience, currently holds the role of general manager at the renowned Noverted Jodhpur. Join us as we delve into the story of someone who transitioned from operations to sales, crafting a unique trajectory in the dynamic world of hospitality.

The story began not in sales but in operations. Fresh out of college in 2003, I embarked on my journey with Taj Lands' End, delving into operations. However, five years into my career, a back injury altered my course. Uncertain about the future, I contemplated resigning. It was then that I stumbled into event sales, ultimately leading me into sales and marketing roles for the next 12 to 13 years.

How did hospitality become more than just a career for you? Did your perception of hospitality change over the years?

Interestingly, I hail from a family of bankers, and hospitality was not the conventional path. My elder brother was the pioneer who ventured into this field. Initially, I perceived it as glamorous, but observing his experiences, I realized it was a vastly different realm. The economy and middle-class dynamics of the late '90s were markedly distinct from today. 

Absolutely. Initially, I perceived it as glamorous, a belief shattered when my brother started working in the field. Witnessing the reality, I understood that it was a unique and challenging domain, far from the initial allure I associated with it. When asked about it,  as a leader, you emphasize the importance of trust. How do you instill this trust among your team members, and what leadership qualities do you find essential in today's dynamic hospitality landscape?

“Trust is paramount. In today's landscape, leaders must earn trust, and gone are the days when blind followership was the norm. Trust is built through actions and words. From a soft skills perspective, trust is foundational, both professionally and personally. Leaders should be adaptable, open to learning from the younger generation, and adept at incorporating those learnings into their leadership style.”

The new generation exhibits a different mindset towards hospitality career, how do you see the industry in coming years?

He shared his viewpoints, saying the dynamics have shifted and the industry must acknowledge this change. Today's workforce seeks relevance, values a work-life balance, and doesn't measure success solely by working long hours. To make hospitality attractive again, the industry should align with the evolving aspirations of the new generation.

Climbing the career ladder in hospitality often requires time and patience. What strategies do you suggest for the new generation aiming for leadership positions? 

When sharing his viewpoints, Mr. Anubhav Bhan says to choose brands aligned with your career goals and visions. Fast-track opportunities often come with brands that exhibit a clear vision and are led by proficient mentors. Working solely for monetary gains won't sustain a long-term career; instead, focus on building a career that aligns with your aspirations.

As the conversation moves forward, he shares that, in today's hospitality industry, the younger generation is reshaping career expectations, emphasizing work-life balance and relevance over traditional long work hours. For those aiming for leadership roles, the advice is clear: choose brands aligned with your goals, focusing on career growth rather than just monetary gains. It's about making strategic decisions that pave the way for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

Concluding Thoughts 

In our chat, we covered a lot about how the hospitality industry is changing, especially in India. We talked about adapting to what the new generation wants and dealing with challenges in city infrastructure. The big point is that for the industry to grow and compete globally, teamwork between businesses and the government is crucial. Whether you're starting a hospitality career in India or thinking about opportunities abroad, the advice boils down to staying motivated, always learning, and planning your career smartly. It's a dynamic field, and these insights are gold for anyone aiming to make it big in hospitality.

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